
without us,

There is no "reliable" place to go to find everything that's happening around you!

Warren Buffet

(the most successful investor of all time,)

recommends investing in companies that...

1. Generate 60% or higher profit margins!

Our average profit margins will be between 60-80% across 20+ different revenue streams.

2. Keep costs low (run lean) for higher margins!

Our costs, across marketing, admin, etc will average 20-30% of sales (once we go viral.)

and, 3. The product has an emotional connection for the buyer!

We are making it easier than ever to live more by celebrating more. Now that's emotional!

in other words,

We Check ✅ Everyone Of Warren's Boxes!

Warren Buffet

(the most successful investor of all time,)

recommends investing in companies that...

1. Generate 60% or higher profit margins!

Our average profit margins will be between 60-80% across 20+ different revenue streams.

2. Keep costs low (run lean) for higher margins!

Our costs, across marketing, admin, etc will average 20-30% of sales (once we go viral.)

and, 3. The product has an emotional connection for the buyer!

We are making it easier than ever to live more by celebrating more. Now that's emotional!

in other words,

We Check ✅ Everyone Of Warren's Boxes!

Our Investor Offerings

The following represent our current offerings for investment in our project.

Note, this list may change as we progress, but, at this moment, this is how you can participate.

Friends & Family

($50K Seed Round)


A unique offering made to those we have a personal connection to us so that they can financially share in this opportunity as we strive to scale it to a billion dollar co. in as little as the next 5-7 years! We offer a substantial repayment of their investment with the only option to reinvest to earn even more.

Update! We met our goal here and have even exceeded it. This offer is no longer available except by special request or invite.

Bridge Loan

($100K+ Seed Round)

Ideally in the form of debt vs equity, (but, will consider the right partner, if needed,) these funds are intended to fund the marketing of the beta launch of the product in San Diego to LA to fully develop the model we will duplicate in 400 other cities across the US, as well as, the marketing of our Kickstarter campaign to raise the final round of $1MM+ starting as early as this July!

Update! This offer is currently available till its otherwise met with either the debt we seek, or in the form of grants or another investor. Once achieved, this offer will close forever.


($1MM+ Seed Round)

We are already underway, gathering audiences that will participate in this round for as little as $97 for a lifetime membership in the app. At no more than 10,000 of the 9MM potential users of the app between San Diego, LA counties alone, (our testing markets,) we will reach our monetary goal very quickly and easily. These funds will go to build the AI/AR/VR version of our product as well as scale the marketing for nationwide outreach in 2025.

Important! We are using a Kickstarter campaign method for crowdfunding as to avoid any further equity offerings. Each participant will receive product and value in kind for their offer that more than exceeds their participation fee.

Our Investor Offerings

The following represent our current offerings for investment in our project.

Note, this list may change as we progress, but, at this moment, this is how you can participate.

Friends & Family

($50K Seed Round)


A unique offering made to those we have a personal connection to us so that they can financially share in this opportunity as we strive to scale it to a billion dollar co. in as little as the next 5-7 years! We offer a substantial repayment of their investment with the only option to reinvest to earn even more.

Update! We met our goal here and have even exceeded it. This offer is no longer available except by special request or invite.

Bridge Loan

($100K+ Seed Round)

Ideally in the form of debt vs equity, (but, will consider the right partner, if needed,) these funds are intended to fund the marketing of the beta launch of the product in San Diego to LA to fully develop the model we will duplicate in 400 other cities across the US, as well as, the marketing of our Kickstarter campaign to raise the final round of $1MM+ starting as early as this July!

Update! This offer is currently available till its otherwise met with either the debt we seek, or in the form of grants or another investor. Once achieved, this offer will close forever.


($1MM+ Seed Round)

We are already underway, gathering audiences that will participate in this round for as little as $97 for a lifetime membership in the app. At no more than 10,000 of the 9MM potential users of the app between San Diego, LA counties alone, (our testing markets,) we will reach our monetary goal very quickly and easily. These funds will go to build the AI/AR/VR version of our product as well as scale the marketing for nationwide outreach in 2025.

Important! We are using a Kickstarter campaign method for crowdfunding as to avoid any further equity offerings. Each participant will receive product and value in kind for their offer that more than exceeds their participation fee.

Office: Carlsbad, CA

Call: +1 866-863-6536


Copyright 2023 . All rights reserved